Busy selling games – let’s see how it went

After months of thinking about selling a few games I have collected over the years, I finally decided to take the plunge. Most of the games I own as physical copies are not too special. They mostly hold sentimental value for different reasons. However, then I have some games whose mere existence on my shelves annoys me. Well, not really. I’m not entirely fair here. They are just purchases made in the spur of the moment. Mostly, I got the titles cheaply with curiosity as my guide. So, let’s see what I have managed to sell after two weeks, and how much it has earned me.

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The Sweet Baby Inc controversy

Now, this is a doozy. I don’t like to talk about this kind of stuff too much, but I find this thing too big to ignore since it directly influences my fun in the form of video games. Anyway. It seems the normie, the mainstream gamer has finally awoken to see what the gaming industry has become – a cesspool of SJWs, nepotism, and a hatred for white men. I’m not even hyperbolic, as this is what consulting writing gaming company Sweet Baby Inc. stands for, which you can see in for example conference talks they do. They are not exactly hiding it, and most of this has been documented, even if they now try to scorch the earth and remove all evidence. But the internet never forgets.

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Avowed – The Gameplay Trailers

Finally, Obsidian released something more substantial than a few screens of their upcoming RPG Avowed in the form of a game trailer, and a deep-dive. And what can I say? Well, I can’t say that I feel any kind of hype whatsoever, since going by the footage presented it looks like a fantasy version of The Outer Worlds. That game was one of the biggest disappointments coming from Obsidian Entertainment ever, considering some legendary names were attached to it, like Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky.

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On-the-pot thoughts – Are Games Art?

Time for some on-the-pot musings. Are games art? I would say in general yes, as it is an effort to make something creative for people to enjoy, just like movies and music. Everything has some kind of artistic value, I guess, if you view it from that perspective but it’s the level here that I find important, and a few other distinctions. Did the artist suffer for his creation, is it a product out of greed, etc? You also have the cultural impact to consider, which also affects the status of something that is determined to be in fact “art”. All this in the end is of course subjective, however, this is my take on it.

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Interesting article by PC GAMER

For once, PC GAMER writes something pro-consumer/gamer that is not only for clickbait. The article talks about how weird it is that Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, a very popular game was totally replaced by Counter-Strike 2. Now, making a sequel to something popular is not new nor surprising, but replacing the old with the new, as in taking its spot on Steam (with past reviews and all) and throwing the old game into the abyss of gaming history is something noteworthy. Even if most people prefer the new version, that still means that millions will be left in the cold considering how big this game was/is (depending on how you see it).

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