Chris Avellone’s thoughts on the Fallout show

Chris Avellone, one of the writers who worked on Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas finally gives his opinion on the Fallout TV show with an article named Fallout Apocrypha: TV Series Review Part 1. What is interesting here, on top of this legendary writer giving his thoughts on the show is that it’s supposed to work as a continuation of the Fallout Bible – the ultimate lore compendium, written by the man himself.

He is far more lenient on the show than I ever was, but it’s still an interesting take on it, especially since it’s coming from him – without the fear of ruining any prospect gigs with Bethesda. I highly recommend giving it a read.

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy is a go!

Oh yeah, baby! I’m a bit late to the party, but it seems the AtomTeam made it. Swordhaven is fully financed through Kickstarter with about 67 hours to go from the posting of this article. I noticed that they already managed to hit one stretch goal – a player base. Not sure how excited I am about that particular addition since most RPGs that have some kind of home usually feel a bit undercooked. However, I’m glad to see they are making a few more bucks on top of what they wanted. Now to see if they can reach the next stretch goal – Cursed City. Which I have to admit sounds much more enticing, maybe because I live in one in real life. Who knows? Anyway, I’m happy to see they made it. Now the eternal wait begins.

Fallout TV show – Episode 7 & 8 (Season 1 final)

Here we are finally at the end. There isn’t much to say about episode 7 since it went full retard on the Marvel writing. If there was any attempt to slow down the “comedy” nature of the script, they quickly abandoned that idea as shown in this episode. It’s like every modern writer has graduated from the Joss Whedon school of writing. It’s insufferable. I can tolerate maybe one or two witty jokes occasionally, but having every scene end this way is extremely grating. It might actually turn your brain into sludge if exposed to too many movies written in this way. I might be repeating myself, but this show allows for zero tension. It’s like the creator of the show is scared of having the audience perceive any kind of feeling except childlike joy in its overabundance of nostalgia.

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Fallout TV show – Episode 6

The only tolerable thing about this show is the ghoul, and that is because of the actor playing him. He was legendary in The Shield and does a good job here – with what he has been given. Other than that, crikey. I know, I know, hearing me complaining about the show is getting old, but what else can be said? Episode 4 could have been the start of something interesting, but now two episodes later, the show is truly back to being its old self, a nonsensical piece of oh-so-random “entertainment”.

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