Publishers are complaining once again

It’s that time of the year again when publishers are complaining about pricing. The 60 bucks per AAA game wasn’t enough, so now it’s 70 a pop, blaming difficult and expensive development for the increase in price, and of course inflation. What they don’t mention in their pleas to the public (which seems to work, unfortunately) is that they year after year are making rocket profits.

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Hilarious UNITY PR disaster

Oh boy, I do sure love the smell of a good PR disaster in the morning. I’m not going to go into details here since I’m sure most of you already know what this is about. It’s basically Unity (the game engine) suddenly going fully retarded and demanding money for each user install, and to boot, having it to be retroactive. From what I understand this would cover all games released, so imagine you published a game a couple of years ago, and now unexpectedly you are supposed to pay thousands in fees to Unity for the amount of people who installed your game. Seems pretty unethical and illegal to me.

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Starfield – “Early Access” Pre-order

Starfield early access pre-order shenanigans must be one of the more disgusting anti-consumer things that spawned from the depraved minds of the games industry of late. In my case, if you pay 99,99€ for the premium edition of the game on Steam, you get a five-day “early access” to it, compared to the peasant who can only shell out a measly 69,99€. Have we reached a new low perhaps? Pre-order bonuses were already pretty bad, but this is just a new level altogether. I hope to God this doesn’t become a new thing. Also, I think Bethesda might have shot themself in the foot with this one since you can already pirate the game. I imagine the ones waiting for a legit 70 euro release now must feel like a true sucker.

However, I can’t blame Bethesda single-handedly for this since it works. I read something that about 200-300k already play it on Steam, which indicates that there are a lot of people out there willing to pay big bucks for an earlier taste, even if it’s only five days.

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Legendary developers and Nostalgia

It has come to my attention that my love for the past often clouds my judgment of modern gaming. Often to such a degree that I will often blanket new games as something inferior. In some ways, it can be true since there was a lot less focus on identity politics and such, which is a real killer when it comes to entertainment. However, when listening to Tim Cain’s YouTube channel about his role when developing Fallout and Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, everything, and I mean almost everything came down to pure luck.

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Just Bad Games

The number of games I play that don’t make the cut is depressingly high. Much is of course on me, and my taste, but I got to say – the standards seem to have fallen off a cliff lately. I have reviewed a few games that I didn’t complete fully, however, in those cases I figured I’ve played enough to give my opinion on it. If a game doesn’t catch my attention after playing half of it, it’s doubtful it ever will. And some games are just too darn hard for me to ever finish, destroying my integrity in the process. Usually, those titles start out okay, but then eventually turn into a masochistic experience of pure suffering. I believe a review can be worth it in both of these cases still, maybe to act as a warning or to just get something out of the wasted hours in front of the screen.

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