Largo Winch: Empire Under Threat – The Life of a Billionaire Playboy

Franchises can be odd on a personal level. How huge pieces of fiction can exist right under your nose for years in obscurity, without you ever noticing them, even if the genre fits your taste. Largo Winch is one of those franchises to me. Before Largo Winch – Empire Under Threat, I had never heard about this anti-corruption-fighting billionaire. It’s a name that has spawned both movies and games (as you can tell), from its humble beginnings as a comic from Belgium. So, what is it, and is it any good? Well, good might be stretching it, but I found the title charming. However, you must have a fondness for puzzles and point-and-click adventure gaming, even if the game includes combat segments. Let’s get into it.

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Star Wars – Episode III – Revenge of the Sith – It’s Anakin Time

In my yearly Star Wars bender, I decided I wanted to play a game set in the prequel era. It’s unfortunately rather slim picking when it comes to this period if you want to play something new. However, I manage to find Star Wars – Episode III – Revenge of the Sith for the PS2. It’s a direct tie-in game to the movie that goes under the same name. It was with a certain hesitation that I downloaded it as we know all too well how these kinds of titles end up. But hey, what do I get to lose, anyway? Well, as it turns out valuable gaming time, taking me one step closer to death with nothing gained. I should have trusted the force when it told me something dark awaited me.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age – Moria Endurance Run

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (LOTR: TTA) is truly an epic game, however, it might be for the wrong reasons depending on how you see it. While the game takes you through the whole movie trilogy, which is an epic effort in itself. What makes it truly epic beyond that and anything I have played recently is the amount of fighting you will do. This game isn’t that large if you go by map size, it’s the density of the orc hordes that need to be slaughtered that makes it way bigger than it actually is. With each five to ten steps you take towards your goal, you will have a fight, which makes this title an endurance run without equal. If you are allergic to any form of grinding, or filler encounters, stay far away from LOTR: TTA! If you are not… 

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Onimusha: Warlords – Demons fear the Samurai

Onimusha: Warlords is an action-adventure/survival horror set in feudal Japan, which here, unlike real history is infested with demons and the mindless undead. It was made and released by Capcom back in 2001 for the Playstation 2. I do own the game on that system, but I decided to play it on the computer emulated with PCSX2. I had no trouble at all running it, the only setting I had changed was renderer to software. I played the game with a Playstation 4 controller plugged into the computer, which as usual matched all the in-game prompts and tutorials. In true survival horror fashion, the game has wonderful pre-rendered backgrounds with characters and monsters in 3D. Onimusha also controls like the olden days with tank controls, the sticks on the controller are unused – only the D-pad is used for movement. So, is it any good, and does it work as a survival horror in the veins of Resident Evil?

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Dead Space: Extraction – Extract This!

Dead Space: Extraction is a rail shooter made by Visceral Games. It was released for the Wii, and Playstation 3 a few years ago. Since I don’t own any of these consoles I decided to play it on the PS3 emulator RPCS3 using a PS4 controller plugged into the computer. I had no issues at all, I didn’t even have to configure anything. It worked flawlessly right out of the box with the right buttons being presented on the screen for the tutorial stuff. The performance was also great with no visual glitches. So, while the gameplay isn’t much more than pointing, and pressing buttons to shoot aliens with the occasional reloading action, I got to say I had a grand time the few hours this game lasted.

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