Publishers are complaining once again

It’s that time of the year again when publishers are complaining about pricing. The 60 bucks per AAA game wasn’t enough, so now it’s 70 a pop, blaming difficult and expensive development for the increase in price, and of course inflation. What they don’t mention in their pleas to the public (which seems to work, unfortunately) is that they year after year are making rocket profits.

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Food for the Soul (gamer style) – Volume Six

Time for once again everyone’s all-time favorite – game music! (And there was much rejoicing). Let’s start with something somber, so here is Halo 3: ODST with Rain (Deference for Darkness):

A gloomy tune perfect for a slow Saturday afternoon that also fits the noir theme of ODST. One of the best songs out of everything Halo, in my opinion.

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Twin Peaks: Into the Night Impressions

Now this is a treat. A game based on the TV series Twin Peaks with a PS1 graphic style made in the vein of old survival horror games to boot. Boy, oh boy. Twin Peaks: Into the Night is an excellent demonstration of what could become something great in the future. However, as I see it there is one big complication attached here. I’m not talking about the production itself, but the licensing since the game doesn’t only borrow ideas from Twin Peaks, it is Twin Peaks! So, unless the developer Blue Rose Team plans to release the full game as something free, I don’t see how this could get made – yet stranger things have happened.

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Hilarious UNITY PR disaster

Oh boy, I do sure love the smell of a good PR disaster in the morning. I’m not going to go into details here since I’m sure most of you already know what this is about. It’s basically Unity (the game engine) suddenly going fully retarded and demanding money for each user install, and to boot, having it to be retroactive. From what I understand this would cover all games released, so imagine you published a game a couple of years ago, and now unexpectedly you are supposed to pay thousands in fees to Unity for the amount of people who installed your game. Seems pretty unethical and illegal to me.

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Solasta: Crown of the Magister [User Campaign] Morrows Deep – Lizard Revenge

Welcome to another review of Artyoan’s three-part campaign series for Solasta: Crown of the Magister. This time we talk about Morrows Deep, and much like its predecessor it’s a campaign with a heavy focus on combat. However, the writing is much better than in Forsaken Isle, and overall, the story has an improved flow comparably. Locations also make much more of a logical sense in the world – like enemy placements and the environments in general.

Morrows Deep is a 1-15 level campaign, and while the four-man version is the standard way of playing the campaign, I went for the six-man version this time around. In Forsaken Isle, I felt a lack of companions and interesting combat combinations that come with that. So, I thought why not give the six-man version a go? I can’t say I regret my decision. The added party members change the dynamic of the group and make for a much more enjoyable experience. It also allows for experimentation with different classes since you can afford to go outside your personal preference, something the four-man version lacks. You don’t have to worry about balance issues, as Artyoan has designed this version specifically for an increased party. Essentially, engagements have a ton more enemy units trying to claw your eyes out (and probably eat them).

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